The Healthy Gourmet follows nutritionist Julie Daniluk and Chef Ezra Title as they carry the ongoing battle of taste vs. nutrition into the world of real people. Each episode on this new VIVA Television series will find Julie in the nutrition corner and Ezra in the taste corner going head-to-head with open minds and open mouths. Their ultimate goal is to help the chosen group find the right balance between food thats healthy for the heart. and tasty for the tongue.
Julie and Ezra help danceScape’s Beverley Cayton-Tang learn to cook a healthy and nutritious menu for the team at danceScape. Beverley is a former 3-time Canadian and 2-time North American Ballroom Dance champion with her husband, Robert.
Originally from Manchester in England, Beverley grew up with more simple, or shall we say “blander” food. Robert, originally from Malaysia, is used to more spicy food. Add to the mix of food preferences from other danceScape instructors and staff — such as Trevor who is diabetic, Jessica P. who is vegetarian, Jessica S. who tracks caloric intake diligently, and new interns Don & Esther who love Indian food — you have a menu that can challenge any champion.